Tuesday, June 21, 2016

How LifeSaver Stiks® Can Help the American Red Cross


Ted Titmas is a professional with over 30 years of experience in business development. In 2002, Ted Titmas founded the LifeSaver saliva testing technology company.

LifeSaver products are simple, easy-to-use swabs that one can simply lick to receive an immediate and accurate indication of a range of conditions, including drug use, alcohol consumption, hepatitis, or HIV/AIDS.

The American Red Cross typically administers a blood test to screen for diseases. When the Red Cross collects blood, its screening process includes a questionnaire. The organization takes the blood and then tests it, often finding out too late that the blood is contaminated and needs to be disposed of as hazardous waste. Last year, the Red Cross disposed of an estimated $200 million worth of unsafe blood. Even with these tests, contaminated blood does sometimes get through to patients, and the Red Cross has received over $47 million in fines from the federal courts for quality control issues.

If the American Red Cross used LifeSaver saliva Stiks® technology as a standard practice, patients could be tested immediately for a range of health issues without the need for the lengthy and often inaccurate questionnaire. Contaminated blood would not be regularly shunted into hazardous waste receptacles, and the organization could stand to save millions of dollars in fines and waste removal services.

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